CaseActive チームによる
  1. In home tab of your Admin Dashboard you can review the analytics of the App 
  • 1.1 From here you can select the range of days you want to see analytics.
  • 1.2 Sessions, gives you a complete analysis of your App activity such as page views.
  • 1.3 Unique visitors, gives you the number of unique users on the app within the selected dates.
  • 1.4 Users, Number of total users.
  • 1.5 Cases, total number of cases in this App
  • 1.6 Media Size, total size of data saved in this app

2. Announcements, here you can send and manage all your announcements. 

3. Support, through this tab you can request support from different departments if you encounter any issues, e.g IT.

4. Payments, generate and send out invoices and payments to your clients and team 

5. Users, here is where you manage all your users and team members to that specific app.

6. From the Cases section, you can create new cases and manage them.

7. Library, here you will find pre-designed templates for feed, forms, tasks, e-signatures and location.

8. From the Integrations page you can import users, cases and assign users to cases using a CSV file or API, use webhooks and keys for APIs.

9. Settings, a control panel for your dashboard to help you customize it according to your needs and preferences.




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