CaseActive チームによる

In this article, you will receive detailed instructions about inviting or adding your team to CaseActive

1.1 First of all, go to the dashboard of your account via www.account.caseactive.com/apps 

1.2 From here click on the Admin button of the App you want to add new users to.

1.3 After clicking on Admin the dashboard of that particular App will be displayed on your screen.

1.3.1 Click on the Users button from the top panel of the dashboard.

1.4 Now, on the next screen you will see “+ New” button near the top left corner of the page, click on it to start adding new users.

1.5 Enter user’s email address along with first and last name. Then press save

1.6 You can provide detailed information of the user by clicking:

      1.6.1 Drop down arrow in front of the user’s name under Action then

      1.6.2 Click Edit user

      1.6.3 Now enter all the necessary information about the selected user.

      1.11.4 Now Press Save

Note: You can either add users one by one as explained above or through bulk intake via forms, click here to learn more.




コラボレーションを開始したい場合、または CaseActive に関する詳細情報を入手したい場合は、フォームにご記入ください。できるだけ早くご連絡いたします。
