CaseActive チームによる

Admins learn how to configure system settings so that new users are automatically assigned to a newly auto created case.

Opening the setup page

The first step is to open the Systems Setup page.

  1. Log in to the admin account.
  2. Locate an app on the Apps page and click the ADMIN button.
  3. Click the Systems tab and then SYSTEM SETUP on the submenu.
  4. Scroll down to the USER SIGNUP heading.

Configuring system settings

  1. Set the Allow Signup and Auto Create Case drop-down menus to On.
  2. Click the role menu and choose an option (default is recommended).
  3. Copy and share the Public User Signup link.

Each user that clicks the link and completes the signup triggers the platform to generate a new case on the Cases page and auto-assigns the user in that case.




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