CaseActive チームによる

This article shows admins how to assign and remove case users. We also show you how to modify user data.

Opening an existing case

  1. Log in to the admin account.
  2. Locate an app on the Apps page and click the ADMIN button.
  3. Click the Cases menu tab.
  4. Make sure ACTIVE is selected in the submenu.
  5. Scroll down to the ACTION column.

Assign or remove

Click Assign Users to assign a user to the case or remove the user from the case (but not the platform). On the next page: Click ADD and complete the workflow. Click remove to delete a user.


It is not possible to edit or update user data on the Cases page. Instead, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Users menu tab.
  2. Locate the user name and click Edit.
  3. Make changes and click SAVE.




コラボレーションを開始したい場合、または CaseActive に関する詳細情報を入手したい場合は、フォームにご記入ください。できるだけ早くご連絡いたします。
