by CaseActive Team

What are Case Types?

Case types are basically different types of cases that you are handling according to your services. For Example you have a client that you are providing services of Digital Marketing and Customer Support to, you can segregate the processes of these services by creating two separate categories namely “Digital Marketing” and “Customer Support” hence streamlining them.

Benefits of Case Types

  • Streamlines processes and gets rid of any confusions that might occur.
  • Automatically assigns relevant people to all cases of the same type via “After actions” in settings tab of admin panel

How to create custom Case Types?

  1. Login to your CaseActive account.
  2. Click on the “Admin” button in corresponding to the App you want to create case types in.
  1. Now click on “Settings”.
  1. Then click on “Custom Fields” button under the main menu.
  1. Here come all the fields for the case form. Now click on the edit button.
  1. Type the name of the category you want to create in the text box under “options”.
  1. Afterwards click “Add” and then press “Save”.

Note: You can create as many case types as you need for your client/project.

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