by CaseActive Team

In this article, you will receive detailed instructions about creating and assigning cases.

1 Creating a New Case

1.1 First of all, go to the dashboard of your account via www.account.caseactive.com/apps 

1.2 From here click on the Admin button of the App you want to create a new case in.

1.3 After clicking on Admin the dashboard of that particular App will be displayed on your screen.

1.3.1 Now Click on the Cases Button in the top bar of the dashboard.

1.4 On the next screen you will see “+ New” button near the top left corner of the page, click on it to start creating a new case

1.5  Provide the requested information about the case you are creating including:

  • About
  • Tag ID
  • Date Opened
  • Case Status
  • Cases Types

2 Assigning Users to the case

2.1 After filling in the information required to create a case you will see the Assign Users section, click on the Assign Users button.

2.2 Fill in the email of the user you want to assign the case to. You can also search users by their Phone, First Name, Last Name and Tag ID.

2.2.1 You also have to assign the role to the user for that specific case. To know more about the roles, Click Here.

Note: You can only add people who are already members of your CaseActive Account. In order to know how to add the member to your CaseActive account, Click Here.

2.3 After saving user information click save near the bottom right corner to finalize and create your case.

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