by CaseActive Team

To complete setting up your account, you will initially need to create your first app. Below you will find the step-by-step procedure for getting that done.

  1. Completing Account Setup

1.1 After Creating a free account you will be asked to fill in the details of your company to create an app.

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1.2.1 Type the name of your company.

1.2.2 Provide the official website of said company and click on Next.

1.3 Next you will be asked about the billing information. Select your preferred payment plan by clicking on the expanding arrow and then the plan best suited for you.

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1.4 After selecting your preferred payment plan select your preferred mode of payment and provide the related details. We accept payments using:

  • Debit/Credit Card
  • Cash App Pay
  • Bancontact
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Note: It is recommended that you provide the information now for the completion of your account setup but if you do not have your billing information readily available click on Finish Later to finish setting up your account.

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Note: All your billing details are kept confidential and safe.

1.5 When you have provided all the necessary data click on Submit.

  1. Apps Page

2.1 After clicking Submit you will land on The Apps page detailing information about all the Apps that belong to you:

2.1.1 Company Name

2.1.2 Type (User Role)

2.1.3 Status

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2.2  The Apps page acts as your dashboard for launching main admin functions:

2.2.1 Click the APP button to communicate, fill docs, video chat (and more) on case-related issues.

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2.2.2 Click the ADMIN button to open the admin panel. This is where Admins manage users, cases, integrations, and more.

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2.2.3 Click the ellipsis to manage account billing and notification settings.

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Note: Case Active displays the ADMIN button for admin users. Users who do not have admin privileges do not see the ADMIN button.

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