by CaseActive Team

Utilize the announcement section of CaseActive to effortlessly communicate important updates and information to all users or specific roles within your organization. Whether you need to notify everyone about system maintenance, introduce new features, or share important company news, our platform makes it easy to reach your audience directly.

By leveraging this feature, you can ensure that everyone stays informed and aligned with the latest developments, fostering better collaboration and efficiency across teams. Plus, by targeting specific roles, you can deliver personalized messages tailored to each user’s responsibilities, enhancing engagement and relevance.

Here is how you can create the announcement in your CaseActive account:

  • Login to your CaseActive Account and click on the admin button in front of the App you want to make an announcement in.
  • You will arrive at the admin dashboard of that app. From here click on announcements button under main menu.
  • Click on “+ New” in the top right corner 
  • Now fill the following information:
    • Title: Provide a clear and concise title that summarizes the announcement’s content.
    • Visibility: Choose the audience for your announcement, whether it’s all users or specific roles within the organization whom you aim to convey the announcement.
    • Deletion Date & Time: This is not required. But you can specify when the announcement should be automatically removed from the system to ensure timely information dissemination.
    • Message: Craft your message with relevant details, ensuring it’s informative and engaging.

Announcements will appear in the home section of your app under “Cases” of the recipients.

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