ExploreAll case communication in one spot

Converse, post updates, answer questions, take notes, comment, and have all discussions tagged by real-time email and SMS notifications.

Share with confidence

Share documents and photos between clients and team members across any and all devices, so everyone keeps up-to-date.

Take it on the go

Use mobile devices like tablets and smartphones to collaborate on key details, discuss major issues, exchange documents, and chart case progress in real time.

Immediate records access

Authorized users can quickly access client data and case information (including current, past, open, closed, and pending cases), all through one portal.

Automatic timezone conversion

Whether traveling or staying in another location, you’ll be in sync with our time-zone conversation management system.

Track Events

Quickly schedule meetings, monitor upcoming events, and invite clients and team members as attendees.

Video Conferencing

Connect with clients and team members via live video chats for even more interactivity.

After Actions

Automate tasks when a case is created or a user is assigned to a case.

Automated Alerts

Want to wish your clients a Happy Birthday? Set up an automatic message for both past and current clients for their special day!

Keeping Client details up-to-date

Clients can modify their profiles with updated data, photos, passwords, and account settings.

Ask Questions, Get Answers.

Create custom forms and send them to clients for completion. Gather essential information, provide exit surveys, and get all the data you need to do your job well!

Case forms allow us to listen and learn, helping us increase sales through customer feedback..Violet Cherry, Director of Sales of Cain & Company

As-You-Go Invoicing

Make client billing as straightforward as possible with online invoices and payments.

We love the case invoicing because it lets clients see exactly what they’re paying for.Kenny Herndon, Vice President of Sky Digital

Enjoy the ease of e-signing

Electronically sign off all documents through DocSign, using uploaded documents and digital client signature requests and confirmation.

Upload a document, mark it for signature, and then the client logs in and e-signs it. Everything gets done without the client having to come into our building. This is handy with clients who aren’t close to an office or who live out-of-state..Patrick Bennett, Director of Operations of Capital Insurance

Enhance Your System. Less Work, More Results.

Use the Self-Serve Administrative Feature

Take total control of your CaseActive management suite from the platform itself.

Effortlessly link your existing system with CaseActive

Integrate our proprietary API to automatically create cases, assign users, and generate reports based on your system input.

Acting as a  virtual administrative assistant  , CaseActive empowers you with streamlined document and media handling, private client-to-customer communicationsevent scheduling, and step-by-step case processing.

Self-Serve Administration

Acting as a virtual administrative assistant, CaseActive empowers you with streamlined document and media handling, private client-to-customer communications, event scheduling, and step-by-step case processing.

Manage User Logins & Case Creation

Directly oversee the creation of user accounts while authorizing their access permissions on a case-by-case basis. Manage case creation, progress, and closing, with full reporting every step of the way.

View Caseactive Analytics

See exactly how a case is progressing, the number of cases successfully closed, and see response times via CaseActive’s thorough analytics module. Knowledge is power, and we’ve given you everything there is to know about your own projects.

Monitor User Logs

Keep an eye on client and team member logins and platform activity to ensure all their actions are authorized within the case parameters and that all members are performing their duties as required.

Employ Advanced Searches

Find exactly what you need when you need it. Search cases by user and client names, keywords, timelines, uploaded documents, and much more!

Create Custom Fields

Generate specialized case fields for client and team member input, and gather the data you need from everyone involved. Make the case interface unique to your business and brand!

Create Custom Templates

Develop an enormous range of custom forms and templates for distribution and completion both during and after a case (like client exit surveys). Whatever form you need, you can create!